Our Strategies
We are in full compliance of all D.O.T. regulations, have an assigned D.O.T. number and HAZ/MAT Certificate of Registration.
We are a fully authorized participant in the AMS SYSTEM, allowing for the quickest possible clearances. We follow all guidelines set forth after the September 11 tragedy by the F.A.A. Security Program, now known as the TSA CARGO SECURITY PROGRAM and are bond approved as a CCFS. Facility Code E-858.
All shippers associated with our organization are expected to participate fully in all regulations set forth by the government with regard to record keeping and known shippers. All employees are tested as required on all new phases and changes within the TSA program and have assigned TSA numbers that are profiled and provided to all active customers to facilitate their own record-keeping and government requirements as forwarders. All employees are trained yearly in the handling of hazardous materials, and are subject to random drug-testing and medical clearance. We utilize a specialist in all phases of D.O. T. regulations: Ms. Ashley Kepko of
TriState Transportation.